Grace Family Bible Church

Living in Grace Bible Studies are posted to the site every other month. Please check back for further updates.


July 2024 Family Matters (Colossians Series)

May 2024 Let the Word dwell in you (Colossians Series)

March 2024 Above all these things (Colossians Series)

January 2024 Things to Put On (Colossians Series)

November 2023 Continued Practical Teaching (Colossians Series)

September 2023 The Practical Life (Colossians Series)

July 2023 Risen with Christ (Colossians Series)

May 2023 Subject to Ordinances (Colossians Series)

March 2023 Don't Be Beguiled (Colossians Series)

January 2023 Let No Man Judge (Colossians Series)

November 2022 Spoiling the Heavenly Places (Colossians Series)

September 2022 The New Identity (Colossians Series)

July 2022 Complete in Him (Colossians Series)

May 2022 THe Godhead: The Holy Ghost (Colossians Series)

March 2022 The Godhead: The Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians Series)

January 2022 Fullness of the Godhead (Colossians Series)

November 2021 Paul gives a Warning (Colossians Series)

September 2021 Don't Be Beguiled (Colossians Series)

July 2021 Acknowledging the Mystery (Colossians Series)

May 2021 Presented as Perfect (Colossians Series)

March 2021 Stand for Right Division (Colossians Series)

January 2021 Paul and the Mystery (Colossians Series)

November 2020 If We Continue (Colossians Series)

September 2020 What Christ Has Done for Us (Colossians Series)

July 2020 The Image of God (Colossians Series)

May 2020 How are we Forgiven Today? (Colossians Series)

March 2020 Paul Preaches Forgiveness (Colossians Series)

January 2020 Doctrinal Aspects in the Prayer (Colossians Series)

November 2019 Paul Prays for the Saints (Colossians Series)

September 2019 Hope Yields Fruit (Colossians Series)

July 2019 Prayer and Thanksgiving in the Dispensation of Grace (Colossians Series)

May 2019 Paul Begins His Address (Colossians Series)

March 2019 Introduction to Colossians (Colossians Series)

January 2019 Three Revelations

November 2018 Truths about the Lord Jesus Christ

September 2018 The Will of the Devil for You

July 2018 Three Pivotal Points in the Book of Acts

May 2018 The Care Paul Had For the Saints

March 2018 Paul's Prayer Pattern

January 2018 The Furtherance of the Gospel

November 2017 Let No Man Judge

September 2017 Do We Make Too Much of Paul?

July 2017 Why Did God Create the Devil?

May 2017 Life Now vs. Life to Come

March 2017 A New Hope

January 2017 Should We Confess When We Do Wrong?

November 2016 Solving Life's Problems

September 2016 What is the Day of Christ?

July 2016 It's time to Mature as Saints

May 2016 Responsibilities of Angels

March 2016 The Fall of the Angels

January 2016 Creation of the Angelic Realm

November 2015 Thanksgiving

September 2015 Openness to Consider

July 2015 Can America be Saved?

May 2015 Abound and Suffer Need

March 2015 Is Jesus His Own Father?

January 2015 Redeeming the Time

November 2014 Dealing with Divisions

September 2014 Following the Pattern

July 2014 The Happy God

May 2014 When Trouble Comes

March 2014 The Importance of Family

January 2014 The Resurrection According to Paul

November 2013 The Sabbath Question

September 2013 Are you better than Jesus?

July 2013 Did the Lord Jesus Christ Change?

May 2013 20 Reasons you should stop tithing

March 2013 How Long is Eternal Life?

January 2013 Why Do We Meet Together

November 2012 What happens to my future sin?

September 2012 (SFRD) Things the Tongues Movement Will Never

July 2012 (SFRD) The Bride of Christ

May 2012 (SFRD) The Confession of Sins

March 2012 (SFRD) Miraculous Demonstrations: Watch Out

January 2012 Stand for Right Division

November 2011 Powers, Rulers, and Ministers of God

September 2011 A Creationist's Defense of the King James Bible

July 2011 Are We Living in the Last Days?

May 2011 Death at the Cross

March 2011 Unique Signs of Mark 16

January 2011 A New Year, A New Challenge

November 2010 A Battle of Viewpoints

September 2010 Why Four Gospels?

July 2010 Psalm 5

May 2010 The Meaning of Amen

March 2010 Isn't Easter in Acts 12:4 a mistranslation?

January 2010 Renewing the Mind

November 2009 The Day of the Lord

September 2009 Abstain from the Appearance of Evil

July 2009 Grace and Peace

May 2009 Paul, Silas, and Timothy

March 2009 Why hast thou forsaken me?

January 2009 Psalm 4

November 2008 Forgiveness in the Ages to Come

September 2008 What happens when we mess up?

July 2008 Forgiveness in this dispensation

May 2008 Forgiveness during the Earthly Ministry of Jesus Christ

March 2008 Forgiveness under the law

January 2008 Why do we need forgiveness?

November 2007 Prayer in the Dispensation of Grace

September 2007 The Gospel Came

July 2007 Psalm 3

May 2007 Being a Husbandman

March 2007 Denying the Resurrection

January 2007 A Call to Courage

November 2006 Being Filled with the Spirit

September 2006 Psalm 2

July 2006 Is there a contradiction?

May 2006 Psalm 1

March 2006 Is there a gift of healing today?

January 2006 An Open Letter of Concern

November 2005 Which Baptism are we to use in the Body of Christ?

September 2005 How to Deal with Anger

July 2005 Two Different Seals

May 2005 Why Study the Old Testament?