Grace Family Bible Church
These files are audio studies from messages conducted at Grace Family Bible Church (Please note: New Messages are at bottom of page)
2 Timothy Message 20 (2 Timothy 2:20-23)
2 Timothy Message 21 (2 Timothy 2:24-26)
2 Timothy Message 22 (2 Timothy 3:1-9 Part 1)
2 Timothy Message 23 (2 Timothy 3:1-9 Part 2)
2 Timothy Message 24 (2 Timothy 3:1-9 Part 3)
2 Timothy Message 25 (2 Timothy 3:1-9 Part 4)
2 Timothy Message 26 (2 Timothy 3:1-9 Part 5)
How can we rejoice in the Christmas Holiday?
2 Timothy Message 27 (2 Timothy 3:1-9 Part 6)
2 Timothy Part 28 (2 Timothy 3:10-14)
2 Timothy Part 29 (2 Timothy 3:15-17)
Sanctification (Positional vs. Practical)
2 Timothy Part 30 (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
2 Timothy Part 31 (2 Timothy 4:1-5 Part 1)
Performance Based Acceptance Vs. Identity Based Acceptance
Romans Series Message 10 (2:1-6)
How could Jesus be forsaken by the Father?
2 Timothy Part 32 (2 Timothy 4:1-5 Part 2)
Romans Series Message 11 (2:6-16)
2 Timothy Part 33 (2 Timothy 4:1-5 Part 3)
2 Timothy Part 34 (2 Timothy 4:1-5 Part 4)
How are you looking for God to comfort you
2 Timothy Part 35 (2 Timothy 4:6-7)
2 Timothy Part 36 (2 Timothy 4:8)
2 Timothy Part 37 (2 Timothy 4:9-11)
Romans Series Message 12 (Romans 2:17-24)
2 Timothy Part 38 (2 Timothy 4:12-22)
What is the Church? (Local Assembly Series #1)
Why Do We Meet? (Local Assembly Series #2)
4E's Part 1: Evangelize (Local Assembly Series #3)
4E's Part 2: Edification (Local Assembly Series #4)
4E's Part 3: Exhortation (Local Assembly Series #5)
Church Order and Planning (Local Assembly Series #6)
4E's Part 4: Eldership (Local Assembly Series #7)
Paul prays for the Saints (Ephesians 1:16-23)
Faith, Hope, and Charity in the life of a Believer
Is it possible to be in the flesh?
Praying for the Word to get out
Fallen from Grace (Pastor Leroy Reid)
From Faith to Faith (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Inheritance (Pastor Scott Morton)
Faith of Christ (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Preparation for the Plan of Evil (Pastor Scott Morton)
Stand Against the Wiles of the Devil (Pastor Scott Morton)
Armor of God Part 1 (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:4-5 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Galatians 5:16-18 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Romans 5:19 (Pastor Leroy Reid- Church Picnic)
Unity in Body (Pastor Scott Morton- Church Picnic)
Armor of God Part 3 (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:5-6 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Armor of God Part 4 (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:7 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Armor of God Part 5 (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:9 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Practical Sanctification (Pastor Leroy Reid)
1 Peter 1:10 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Examples of Living Right (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:11 Part 1 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Performance Based Acceptable Vs. Identity Based Acceptance (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Joy (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:11 Part 2 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Spiritual Blessings (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:11 Part 3 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Paul's testimony (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Made (Jeremy Wolcott)
Importance of Resurrection (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Communication is Key (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:12 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Mark 4 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Forgiveness (Pastor Leroy Reid)
The Gospel Came (Pastor Scott Morton)
Can anything prevent the message from going out? (Pastor Scott Morton)
Present Perfect (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Being Content in the World (Pastor Scott Morton)
Deity of Christ (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Renewing Your Mind (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:13 Part 2 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible study)
Introduction to Titus (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:13 Part 3 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Definition of Sin (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Titus 1:10-16 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Those that deny the resurrection (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Peter 1:15 (Pastor Scott Morton- Wednesday Bible Study)
Faith (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Preaching Works (Titus 2:1-10) (Pastor Scott Morton)
Titus 2:11-15 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Titus 3:1-2 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Romans 5:12-14 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Titus 3:3-8 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Titus 3:9-11 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Paul sees his purpose (Pastor Scott Morton)
Will of God (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Ephesians 3:1-4 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Power of Prayer (Pastor Scott Morton)
Needful Thing (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Press Toward the Mark (Pastor Scott Morton)
Romans 7:1-6 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Paul's Practical Teaching (Pastor Scott Morton)
Spiritual Blessings Part 1 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Spiritual Blessings Part 2 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Gospel of Christ (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Glorification (Pastor Scott Morton)
Romans 8:18-23 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Positions in Heavenly Places (Pastor Scott Morton)
Who hath bewitched you (Pastor Scott Morton)
Endeavoring to keep the unity (Pastor Scott Morton)
Manifold Wisdom of God (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Purpose of His Coming (Pastor Scott Morton)
Seek those things above (Pastor Scott Morton)
Chastisement and Obedience Part 1 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
1 Corinthians 1:18 (Minister Rondell Hamilton)
Warning of Problems (Pastor Scott Morton)
Christ Came in the Flesh (Pastor Scott Morton)
Two-Fold Reconciliation Part 2 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Walk not as Other Gentiles (Pastor Scott Morton)
Waiting for Christ (Pastor Scott Morton)
The Pattern of Timothy (Pastor Scott Morton)
Music at Work (Pastor Scott Morton)
Letter Vs. Spirit Part I (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Letter Vs. Spirit Part II (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Practical Outworking (Pastor Scott Morton)
Things of God Vs. Things of Man (Pastor Scott Morton)
In Christ Part 1 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
In Christ Part 2 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Armor of God (Pastor Scott Morton)
Example of the Thessalonians (Pastor Scott Morton)
Time of Salvation (Minister Rondell Hamilton)
2 Tim 3:15-17 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Kindness (Minister Rondell Hamilton)
Service Toward God (Pastor Scott Morton)
1 Timothy 2:4 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Acts 10:34-35 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Is Fasting Required Today? (Pastor Scott Morton)
Example of the Soldier (Pastor Scott Morton)
John 12:30-33 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Philippians 1:18-26 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Liberty in the Dispensation of Grace (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Can't rely on us (Pastor Scott Morton)
Dealing with Trouble (Pastor Scott Morton)
Greeting one another (Pastor Scott Morton)
Introduction to Ephesians (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians 2:15-16 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Grace and Peace (Ephesians Series) (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians 2:13 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Blessed with all Spiritual Blessings (Ephesians Series- Message 3) (Pastor Scott Morton)
Chosen (Ephesians Series- Message 4) (Pastor Scott Morton)
Holy Spirit (Part 1) (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Resurrection (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Holy Spirit (part 2) (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Holy (Ephesians Series Message 5) (Pastor Scott Morton)
Predestinated and Adoption (Ephesians Series Message 6) (Pastor Scott Morton)
Colossians 2:8-10 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Continuation of Blessings (Pastor Scott Morton)
Two Fold Reconciliation (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Ephesians Series Message 7 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 8 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Circumcision of Christ (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Romans 4 (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Stand Fast (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 9 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 10 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Right Division (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Ephesians Series Message 11 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 12 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Comfort to the Lost (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Ephesians Series Message 13 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 14 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Recording Difficulties prevented recording of messages 15 to 21
Ephesians Series Message 22 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 23 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 24- Time Past Part 1 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 25- Time Past Part 2 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Paul Our Pattern (Pastor Leroy Reid)
One New Man (Pastor Leroy Reid)
Ephesians Series Message 26- But Now Part 1 (Pastor Scott Morton)
Ephesians Series Message 27- But Now Part 2 (Pastor Scott Morton)